At the Ateneo Veneto, in Venice, the series of meetings "In the Sign of Marco Polo: Venice 1324-2024" explores the figure and the adventures of the famous traveller

15 January 2024

This year marks an important anniversary: the loss of Marco Polo, in January 1324, a Venetian of great fame, whose adventurous events, later narrated in an equally famous book, "Il Milione", won the attention of his contemporaries and passed down his memory to the centuries to come.

With the mediation of some specialists who, through their studies, have had the opportunity to investigate and to shed new light on such character and the city of Venice during the early 14th century, the series of meetings "In the Sign of Marco Polo: Venice 1324-2024", organised by Ateneo Veneto and curated by Alessandra Schiavon, intends to propose a renewed reading of the context in which the figure of Marco Polo was in. The geographical and linguistic context will also be analysed, as well as aspects linked to the economy and daily life and mercantile practices of a city-state that increasingly looks to the world universe included within the Eastern Mediterranean basin, and which will be able to draw strength and wealth from encounters with different peoples and different civilisations.

In that cosmopolitan Venice, Nicolò, Matteo and Marco Polo matured the conditions to face the great adventure of travelling to the boundless lands of the Great Khan; they would later return to Venice, delivering to the whole of Europe priceless treasures, extraordinary artefacts, fabulous stories.


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