The Venice Art Night is about to kick off with an homage to Marco Polo

12 June 2024

The countdown to the thirteenth edition of the Venice Art Night, the long night dedicated to Venetian art and organized by Ca’ Foscari University of Venice in partnership with the City of Venice and sponsored by the Veneto region, is officially setting off. The event will take place on June 22, and 145 cultural institutions of the city will take part in it by presenting cultural experiences, visits, shows, concerts, exhibitions and laboratories for kids to visitors.


The special evening, which has been part of the official calendar of the European “art nights” for many years, will start at 6 PM in Ca’ Foscari's main courtyard with the usual opening ceremony, merchandise distribution and institutional greetings, whereas on June 23, a breakfast gathering will be held in the garden of Palazzina Briati, where the almost thirty years old female choir from Venice Lido "Mamme per caso" will perform.


All details on the rich program, which comprises over 150 events, were revealed on June 12 during a press conference at Malcanton – Marcorà Palace, which was attended by, among others, the pro-rector of Ca’ Foscari University of Venice Antonio Marcomini, Silvia Burini, representing the scientific direction of the Venice Art Night, Angela Bianco on behalf of Venice Art Night’s coordinators, the City Councillor for University Paola Mar, and the president of the Municipality of Venice Murano Burano Marco Borghi.

“The thirteenth edition of a well-cherished event which can satisfy, with its numerous cultural offers, the curiosity of visitors of all ages is about to start. Art, after all, thanks to its countless forms, is capable of welcoming and transmitting to people the desire to learn something new. This will be possible in this year’s edition, also thanks to the activities that will be dedicated to the character of Marco Polo, of whom we celebrate the 700th anniversary of passing. The City is also working on the logistics, by implementing the transportation system and ensuring its cleanliness, so that everybody can enjoy this magical Venetian night.” affirmed Councillor Mar.

The Municipality of Venice will also ensure the exceptional opening of Mocenigo Palace and Ca’ Pesaro. Furthermore, it will be possible to visit the Bevilacqua La Masa Foundation and go to the cinema for just 3 euros at Astra, Giorgione, Dante and Rossini movie halls. Finally, the concert of the Hybrid Music Ensemble and Deira and Androgynus, two bands part of Glocal Sound, will take place at Albanese Park, framing an unforgettable music night under the stars. But the Art Night is not just in Venice's city centre: it also includes the mainland and the islands, which will offer many opportunities to enjoy art in all its forms.

This year, the main focus of Ca’ Foscari University for Art Night will be on the large exhibition “Uzbekistan: the Avantgarde in the Desert”, the first exhibition in the West of the masterpieces of Tashkent and Nukus Museums, which displays four artworks by Kandinsky as well. An extraordinary event which is also part of the large scenario of the celebrations for the seven hundredth anniversary of the passing of Marco Polo and which highlights a unique aspect of the cultural dialogue between the East and the West: starting from the exhibition, Art Night 2024 highlights essential aspects and enriches the enjoyment of the exhibition path with specific events.

The program of Art Night is entirely free and is part of the broader initiative by “Le Città in Festa”, it is available on the dedicated website, on which it is also possible to view the geolocated digital map (downloadable via the QR code on every leaflet), a useful tool to navigate the various activities of the Art Night.


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